Dark Seed platforms

Dark Seed platform comparison

Dark Seed was originally made for DOS but was ported to several different platforms over the following years.

Platform Release year
DOS (floppy) 1992
Amiga (floppy) 1992
Macintosh (floppy) 1993
Amiga CD32 1994
Macintosh (CD-ROM) 1994
DOS (CD-ROM) 1994
Windows 3.x 1995
Sega Saturn 1995
PlayStation 1995

It seems that the Macintosh port was influential, and served as the basis for the Saturn and PlayStation.


The Amiga (floppy disk) and the Amiga CD32 versions are technologically similar to each other, but quite different to the other platform ports.

The game uses a graphical resolution of 320x400 (interlaced) for both editions. It had fewer (wider) horizontal pixels than the DOS game and also a coarser palette (4 bits per color channel compared to the 6 bits that DOS VGA provided).

The CD32 version has many of the same files as the Amiga floppy disk version, although with many more voice samples.

Many of the files are compressed. The "MCP" header magic number is an indicator of compression, as is "MDCS".


Files with that begin with the header magic number "MCP" (M's Compressed Picture, perhaps?) are, once decompressed, in a suitable format for blitting to the Amiga graphics hardware.

offset value used for
0-2 'M' 'C' 'P' file type identification
3 0x11, 0x14 number of bitplanes (1 or 4)
4-5 0x0100 width
6-7 0x00e5, 0x0074 height

The header is eight bytes. The low-order nybble of the fourth byte is either 1 or 4, and shows the count of bitplanes. A single bitplane file can be decompressed as a single stream.

The following two 16-bit values represent width and height respectively. The width is rounded up to the next multiple of 16 then divided by 8 and stored as a count of bytes per line. The height is multiplied by half of the width and the result is stored as the number of 16-bit words per bitplane. In the case of a single bitplane, that number (height times width-rounded-up divided by 16) is the number of words in the whole decompressed file.

In the case of multiple bitplanes, the decompression result is allocated first to the first (lowest-order) bitplane until it fills up (at a 16-bit word boundary). The next bytes to be decompressed fill up the second bitplane, until it fills up, and so on until all four are filled. These filled bitplanes are all the same size, and can be converted to so-called "chunky" format of one-byte-per-pixel palette indexes using an established "planar to chunky" conversion algorithm.

Here are the header bytes of some example files and their expected decompressed size:

approximate decompressed size sizing bytes (hex)
r00s 7786 M C P 11 . 01 10 . 00 e5
r00m 7328 M C P 11 . 01 00 . 00 e5
r00a 29312 M C P 14 . 01 00 . 00 e5

The compressed body (LZSS)

After the eight-byte MCP file header, the actual compressed bytes follow, starting with a byte of eight "control flags".

The compression is a kind of LZSS (Lempel-Ziv Storer-Szymanski) with some idiosyncracies. Some particular parameters:


The Amiga floppy disk and Amiga CD32 version of Dark Seed both use 16-color (4-bit) palettes. Each of the 16 entries is a 16-bit number: 0xfff is bright white, 0x000 is pure black. The palettes are stored as data in the game executable rather than in a separate file.

There is a default palette and a table of 8 alternate palettes. The table of alternate palettes is 256 bytes: 8 palettes of 16 entries. There is a different table of data elsewhere in the executable which you can use to calculate which palette to load for each resource.

ID Disk Palette
"B1" 1 0x00
"M00A" 0 0xcb
"N10L" 3 0x12
"R10A" 2 0x04

Resource IDs are 32-bit numbers that can also be treated as ASCII filenames.

Resources with a zero palette byte: No modification.

Resources with a "positive" palette byte (0x01-0x7e): Standard with modification. The second-highest palette entry is replaced with a value from a 63-entry lookup table.

Resources with a "negative"/high palette byte (0x80-0xff): A specific alternate palette. The number of the alternate palette can be calculated using (x + 5) % 8 where x is the byte in the lookup table and % is the remainder after division.


Object data

The Amiga game executable contains some of the same animation information that is called "Objt" in the Macintosh port.

Then a series of:

Sound and music

Sound effects

Short "sound" resources (a clock ticking, glass breaking, etc) are stored without compression in files called SD01, SD02, etc. These sounds are identical on the Amiga floppy disk and CD32 version, but the CD32 has one additional sound file (SD17).

These short files are "encoded" as PCM data using the "signed 8-bit" number format, plus a small 4-byte header at the start. The header bytes are simply:

offset meaning
0-1 magic number identfier ("SD")
2-3 uint16 (big-endian) size of the buffer to allocate
4 raw int8 PCM samples

Voice/speech messages

Longer "voice" data is stored with the same compression algorithm as the picture resources (LZSS) in files called VC01 (for the Amiga floppy disk version) or 001.efx (for Amiga CD32). The CD edition contains hundreds of these voice files, replacing or supplementing almost every message string in the game. The floppy disk edition has merely 24 voice files for the player character interacting with other humans (etc).

These long "voice" files are laid out in the following shape:

offset meaning
0-3 magic number identfier ("MDCS")
4-7 uint32 (big-endian) size of the buffer to allocate
8 LZSS compressed data


Music is stored in files matching the pattern MX00, and begin with the magic header "MXTX". This the same header as MaxTrax module format, and in fact these files can probably be played with a MaxTrax module player.

The mapping of which music plays in which room is stored in the game executable as a linear table of bytes.


The "R01A" file holds the static picture for room 1 in the same format as the other game graphics.

Room data

Object data

String lists

The Amiga editions do not store string lists in separate files, but rather as data in the game executable file.

There are two string lists:

Both the string lists are in the same "hunk" of the executable, the final hunk.

A string list is stored as a big block of strings are provided concatenated together without any dividing marker. After the strings have finished, there is a separate numerical list of each string's starting position within that concatenated block.

^      ^  ^   ^       ^   ^      ^      ^
0      7  10  14      22  26     33     40
string number offset string
0 0 "Nothing"
1 7 "Box"
2 10 "Hand"
3 14 "Question"
4 22 "Ctrl"
5 26 "crowbar"
6 33 "journal"
7 40 "scotch"


MDA (M00B)

The four resources called M00B, M01B, M02B, M03B each have the signature MDA and seem to represent full-screen animations.

These files have a header structure not unlike MCP.

The low-order nybble of the fourth byte (offset 3) is used for the number of bitplanes. (All four files have the value 4 here, for 4 bitplanes). The higher-order nybble (always 1 in these files) is used to calculate bytes ber bitplane with the following algorithm: (x + 1) * 2

The next four bytes are interpreted as 16-bit integers (big-endian) are width and height. Always 320 width and 400 width.

The rest of the file is structured as follows:


filename magic count on floppy/CD purpose format
B0 "MCP" 3 border picture around room picture?
F0 "MCP" 2 endgame failure pictures?
I0 "MCP" 2
R00A "MCP" 65 room pictures custom LZSS-style compress
R00B "MCP" 48 room sprites? ?
R00C "MCP" 10 ? ?
R00D "MCP" 5 ? ?
R00E "MCP" 1 ? ?
R00F "MCP" 1 ? ?
R00M "MCP" 60 room data ?
R00S "MCP" 19 ? ?
N00A "MCP" 5
N00B "MCP" 11 ? ?
N00C "MCP" 1 ? ?
N00D "MCP" 14 dark ?
N00L "MCP" 16 light ?
S0 "MCP" 2
W0 "MCP" 2
M00A "MCP" 3
M00B "MDA" 4 full-screen animations?
MX00 "MXTX" 19 Music MaxTrax music modules like the Legend of Kyrandia
SD00 "MS" 35/36 sounds 8-bit signed PCM at a fixed sample rate (around 8000)
VC00 "MDCS" 24/0 voice/speech
000.efx "MDCS" 0/670 voice/speech Same LZSS compression as MCP but with simpler, byte-size header

Many of the files are exactly the same between the Amiga floppy disk version and the CD32 version. There may be some language-specific changes in pictures.


The Macintosh version seems to be adapted from the DOS version but significantly reworked for the platform.

It uses the Macintosh "resource" system for pretty much everything.

Resources in Dark Seed

ResType # names purpose format
"PicL" 23 "Library Card Light", "Save Screen Light" Light pictures
"PicD" 13 "Library Card Dark", "Save Screen Dark" Dark pictures
"Fram" 6 "LightFrame", "Nightmare 1 Frame" Graphical frames surrounding other images
"pltt" 95 "ROOM08.PAL", "BNOC.PAL", "StdDarkPal" palettes
"snd " 97+ "Boy, that's smooth", "short english horn" Sound data AIFF-style, encoded as PCM-u8 or MACE3
"Sprt" 102 "ASPIRIN.NSP", "ROOM08.NSP" Sprite animations
"Rmdt" 66 "rmMasterBedroom", "rmFrontOfHouse" Room data Custom format described by a TMPL resource
"Objt" 106 "ASPIRIN.OBT", "ROOM08.OBT" Room object data Custom format described by a TMPL resource
"TMPL" 2 "Objt", "Rmdt" Resource templates Standard Macintosh template resource format with Resorcerer extensions
"STR#" 9 "Credits", "English Item Strings" Strings Standard Macintosh string resource format (Pascal-count)
"Movi" 26 "Nightmare 1c", "SpaceLetters c" Animations
"Inst" 40 "Song 1 Instruments" Instrument definitions for music
"Midi" 20 "Baby Doll Morph" Music sequences Standard MIDI file

A credit image says "Darkseed Macintosh developed and programmed by Brian Fitzgerald", and that name appears in other credits.

It seems to have been built with "THINK C" and AppMaker, and some debugging/development information seems to have been left behind. (A happy accident for digital preservationists.) An icon says "THIS SPACE FOR RENT", presumably as a joke.


Macintosh resource management tools like ResEdit and the third-party Resorcerer use template resources (with the ResType "TMPL") to provide a convenient user interface for resource data.

The format of TMPL resources is documented in the official Macintosh ResEdit Reference from Apple, and the Resorcerer Template Information has information on some extended structures that Resorcerer provides.


Dark Seed uses at least four different resource types for graphic data ("PicL", "PicD", "Fram", "Room"), but they all seem to be encoded in the same way.

It presumably uses compression, perhaps similar to the compression used in Dark Seed for DOS (nybble-based run-length encoding) or Dark Seed for Amiga (LZSS).


Many resources with ResType "pltt" have names closely tied to the DOS version of Dark Seed ("ROOM04.PAL", "LIB-BABE.PAL"). The format seems to be a 16-bit big endian count of entries, then 16 bytes for each entry. An entry is mostly zeroes. Three of the bytes are not zero, and I presume then to be a byte each for red, green and blue.

Most of the palettes seem quite similar to each other, or even exactly the same.


The resources with ResType "Sprt" are sprite animations.

They have names quite closely tied to the DOS version of Dark Seed ("ASPIRIN.NSP", "RM10STAIRS.NSP", "ROOM04.NSP") and are often similar in size to the DOS editions too. They presumably represent much the same data as the DOS ".NSP" files but have such different byte values that the data must be structured differently.


The "Room" resources appear to hold the per-room static picture in the same format as the other game graphics.

Room data

The resource templates tell us the structure to interpret "Rmdt" room data:

Object data

The resource templates tell us the structure to interpret "Objt" object data:

String lists

The game contains string lists as standard Macintosh "STR#" resources.

One list (resource ID 301, named "English item strings") contains the names of game objects in what seems to be the same order as code (crowbar=5, journal=6, scotch=7).

The credits mention separate teams for "IBM" and Macintosh. The game strings include some leftover DOS-specific values like mentioning "Soundblaster".


The resources with the ResType "Movi" are presumably the bigger animations.

They have somewhat descriptive names ("Nightmare 1a", "SpaceLetters d"), with only a few kinds of name:

In addition, one of the "Movi" resources (ID 131) seems to have been blanked out. It is named "-- Nightmare 2 --" and has a single byte (0xDD) as its entire content.

Sound and music

Speech and sound effects are stored as AIFF "snd " resources, as are the instrument samples that are arranged into music. Two codecs are used: raw unsigned 8-bit PCM (codec identifier "raw ", with the space) and the less-common Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion 3:1 (codec identifier "MAC3").

The sequence and timing of notes to play is stored as standard MIDI data in "Midi" resources. The selection of instruments are stored in "Inst" resources.

The resource templates tell us the structure to interpret "Inst" instrument data:

SEGA Saturn

Dark Seed was released in Japan for the SEGA Saturn around the same time as Dark Seed for PlayStation.

It seems to be based on the Macintosh version and uses some of the same file formats.

Same or similar to the Macintosh formats:

Pattern Purpose Format
MV000.MOV Movies? Similar/same format as Macintosh "Movi" movies
OB000.OBJ Objects? Same format as Macintosh "Objt" objects
SP000.SPR Sprites? Same format as Macintosh "Sprt" sprites
ST000.STR Strings, not PlayStation CD-stored media Same format as Macintosh "STR#" string lists
RM000.PIC Room pictures Same format as Macintosh "Room" graphics
RD000.RMD Room data Exactly the format of Macintosh "Rmdt"

Exactly the same data bytes as the PlayStation:

Pattern Purpose Format
MV000.MOV movie?
KANJI.FON font (kanji)
KANA.FON font (kana)

Saturn-specific formats:

Pattern Purpose Format
SQ000.SEQ music sequence Saturn SEQ format
TN???.TON music instrumentation Saturn TON format
0000.PCM sound raw signed 8-bit PCM at a fixed sample rate (11025 Hz?)

The TON data is also on the PlayStation release but may be unused - the PlayStation-standard format sound banks (VAB) are present in the PlayStation release.

Comparison count:

Saturn pattern PSX pattern similarity
1 ds.mp 1 ds.mp byte-identical
1 kana.fon 1 kana.fon byte-identical
1 kanji.fon 1 kanji.fon byte-identical
4 fr???.pic 4 fr???.pic byte-identical
9 st???.str 9 st???.str byte-identical
13 pd???.pic 13 pd???.pic byte-identical
17 tn???.ton 17 tn???.ton byte-identical
17 .seq 19 .seq totally different
19 .vab
22 mv???.mov 22 mv???.mov byte-identical
24 pl???.pic 24 pl???.pic byte-identical
42 se??.pcm
48 sp????.spr 48 sp????.spr byte-identical
49 ob????.obj 49 ob????.obj
52 ob???.obj 52 ob???.obj
54 sp???.spr 54 sp???.spr byte-identical
66 rd????.rmd 66 rd????.rmd byte-identical
66 rm????.pic 66 rm????.pic byte-identical
68 ???.pcm
616 ????.pcm 672 ???.pcm totally different

SONY PlayStation

Dark Seed was released in Japan for the original PlayStation.

It seems to be based on the Saturn version and even includes some instrumentation sounds in Saturn-format TON files as well as the PlayStation-format VAB files that it actually uses.

The data is stored as records in an "AFS" archive volume (.VOL) with an index (.IDX) of offsets and lengths.

Some files are the same or similar to the Macintosh formats:

Pattern Purpose Format
MV000.MOV Movies? Similar/same format as Macintosh "Movi" movies
OB000.OBJ Objects? Same format as Macintosh "Objt" objects
SP000.SPR Sprites? Same format as Macintosh "Sprt" sprites
ST000.STR Strings Same format as Macintosh "STR#" string lists
RM000.PIC Room pictures Same format as Macintosh "Room" graphics
RD000.RMD Room data Exactly the format of Macintosh "Rmdt"

(Note that STR files here are strings, not the PlayStation "stored media" format.)

These files are specific to the PlayStation:

Pattern Purpose Format
.SEQ Music sequence PlayStation standard SEQ
.VAB Music instrumentation (sound banks) PlayStation standard VAB
.PCM Sound/speech PlayStation standard VAB (despite name)


The strings are in the same format as Macintosh "STR#" resources: a 16-bit count for the number of strings, followed by a length byte for the first string, followed by the first string's characters, then the length byte for the second string, then the second string's characters, and so on. The text is encoded with Shift-JIS, a widely-used standard for Japanese text at the time. The Japanese PlayStation resource ST301.STR corresponds with "STR#" resource number 301 (named "English Item Strings" in the English Macintosh release):

Mac "STR#" 301 ST301.STR
"nothing" "無" ('nothing')
"Box" "箱" ('box')
... ...
"newspaper" "新聞" ('newspaper')
"table" "テーブル" ('table')
"bottom of bed" "ベッドの下" ('bottom of bed')