0x00000000 [00] -rwx section size 1744 named seg_000 0x000006d0 [01] -rwx section size 6576 named seg_001 0x00000f40 switch table (33 cases) at 0x875 0x00002080 [02] -rwx section size 10336 named seg_002 0x00002b0f "rb" 0x000031b2 ".sbr" 0x000031ca "rb" 0x00003446 ".pcs" 0x0000345e "rb" 0x00003717 ".sit" 0x00003737 "rb" 0x00003b02 ".sbr" 0x00003d94 ".pcs" 0x000048e0 [03] -rwx section size 1328 named seg_003 0x00004e10 [04] -rwx section size 1280 named seg_004 0x00005310 [05] -rwx section size 2496 named seg_005 0x0000558e MASK_ON | SEL_0 0x00005590 single channel mask 0x00005594 flip-flop reset registers - mask and status are reset 0x00005cd0 [06] -rwx section size 2240 named seg_006 0x00005fab 170ish Hz 0x0000602d square wave on channel 0, counter set with a pair of writes for lobyte,hibyte 0x00006590 [07] -rwx section size 3136 named seg_007 0x00006dca es = es + (ypos * 20) 0x00006e61 access mode 0x000071d0 [08] -rwx section size 36944 named seg_008 0x0000726f "tostext.bin" 0x00007334 "You hide the " 0x000073c4 "room61a.rom" 0x0000753c "tosfont.nsp" 0x0000787b "Z" 0x000078c2 "lab.pic" 0x000079fb "dth.nnn" 0x00007e55 "libmorph" 0x00007e61 "libparts" 0x00007e6d "lib-babe.pal" 0x00007e84 "lib-babe.pic" 0x00008079 "Im just beginning to understand" 0x0000814b "libparts" 0x00008157 "libinlib.pal" 0x0000816e "libinlib.pic" 0x000082ee "G" 0x00008330 "ganc" 0x0000833c "ganc.pal" 0x00008353 "ganc.pic" 0x000083e9 "dth.nnn" 0x00008427 is this message zero? "You touch"..."you die!" 0x000084e9 "keeper" 0x000084f5 "keeper.pal" 0x0000850c "keeper.pic" 0x00008674 "dcopb" 0x00008680 "dcopb.pal" 0x000088d8 ".pic" 0x000088f7 "package.nnn" 0x000089bc ".pic" 0x00008a09 "prefs" 0x00008aed "wb" 0x00008af2 "prefs" 0x00008d0d "You touch the Delbert..." 0x00008d22 "You touch the cold iron bars..." 0x00008d41 switch table (5 cases) at 0x1b76 0x00008d6c "You take the journal." 0x00008db0 newspaper 0x00008dbf "paper-c.pal" 0x00009048 "That would be very impolite, " ... larry joke 0x000090ce "delstore" 0x00009237 "opendrwr" 0x000092fd "You take a refreshing drink of water." 0x0000936d "slide" "slide" 0x000093a1 switch table (5 cases) at 0x21d6 0x000093b1 "opendoor" 0x000093de "The trunk swings open." 0x000093eb "opendoor" 0x00009418 "The trunk closes." 0x0000942d "You find a crowbar in the trunk." 0x00009bce "The time is " 0x00009c62 minus 12 0x00009cd0 "You see the iron bars of your"... 0x00009ce5 "You see Delbert, not much to look at." 0x00009d04 switch table (5 cases) at 0x2b39 0x00009d64 switch table (1 cases) at 0x2b99 0x0000a036 "gbprint1.pal" 0x0000a043 "bprint1.pal" 0x0000a066 "gbcard01.pal" 0x0000a073 "cbcard01.pal" 0x0000a096 "gdiary.pal" 0x0000a0a3 "cdiary.pal" 0x0000a0cc "gjourn01.pal" 0x0000a0d9 "cjourn01.pal" 0x0000a155 "glcard.pal" 0x0000a162 "clcard.pal" 0x0000a1a0 "There is a bulge in the pocket of the trenchcoat." 0x0000a1b2 "No bulges here!" 0x0000a1f5 "You see the " 0x0000a216 ".\n" 0x0000a281 "cuphit" 0x0000a2dd "givclerk" 0x0000a389 "crowbar" 0x0000a630 "cclock02.pal" 0x0000a7d1 mirror shard 0x0000a7e2 "mglow" 0x0000a9d7 "instrship" 0x0000aa59 "bnoc.pal" 0x0000ad93 "gjour201.pal" 0x0000ada0 "cjour201.pal" 0x0000adb5 lgravedig 0x0000aeb3 "cfilm01.pal" 0x0000af63 switch table (21 cases) at 0x3d98 0x0000afb2 "Using the " 0x0000afd3 " on the " 0x0000aff4 " doesn't make any sense\, it must be your headaches\!" 0x0000b003 "The " 0x0000b024 " will do nothing to the " 0x0000b038 "The " 0x0000b059 " doesn't have any effect on the " 0x0000b06d "The " 0x0000b08e " has nothing to do with " 0x0000b0a2 "Are you feeling alright?" 0x0000b0b3 "You don't want to leave the " 0x0000b0da " under the bed." 0x0000b209 "The " 0x0000b22a " will do nothing to the " 0x0000b239 "If you put the " 0x0000b26f "The car wont start with the " 0x0000b35c "The " 0x0000b37d " has no effect on this alien monster"... 0x0000b38b "You incinerate the " 0x0000b3b2 " inside the power nexus!" 0x0000b3c0 "The " 0x0000b3e1 " has no effect on the alien tube"... 0x0000b3ef "This sentry cannot be stopped w"... 0x0000b5d6 "Theres no phone number on this note." 0x0000b5e8 "This isnt a trash can." 0x0000b612 "The ink would run off." 0x0000b660 "You try to put the note back on the mirror. It doesn't stick." 0x0000b672 "No time to sit and read." 0x0000b79b "This gargoyle can't read." 0x0000b7be "Don't put that on the ground. You'll forget it. 0x0000b7db "Nothing will help these poor victims." 0x0000b7ec "That would be very considerate, if the alien could read!" 0x0000b7fc "The main lobby of an alien jail."... 0x0000b833 "opendoor" 0x0000b86a "You pour scotch into the gas tank." 0x0000b97c "The librarian doesn't drink!" 0x0000b9bc "Drinking and skiing is dangerous." 0x0000b9e3 "You can't use the stove until you light the pilot." 0x0000b9ef "This is not a trashcan." 0x0000ba05 "The store doesn't accept returns." 0x0000bae0 "The walls don't have bugs." 0x0000baf6 "The phone has not been bugged." 0x0000bb0c "Don't leave crumbs on the carpet." 0x0000bb22 "No bugs in the carpet." 0x0000bb54 "No termites here." 0x0000bb6a "This red herring is useless here." 0x0000bb80 "No bugs could live in here." 0x0000bbb7 "No bedbugs here." 0x0000bc9a "This red herring is useless to you." 0x0000bcb0 "You can't revive pickled fish." 0x0000bcc7 "Heater is not red hot." 0x0000bcde "You can't revive red herrings." 0x0000c02d "The item is too large to hide here." 0x0000c03e "Youd be better off using the cup to get the guard's attention." 0x0000c12e "The sentry is too big to kill with the bug spray!" 0x0000c2e1 "smash" 0x0000c341 "mthrow" 0x0000c3ad "pownex" 0x0000c64c object number 0x0000c65c switch table (6 cases) at 0x5491 0x0000c840 switch table (4 cases) at 0x5675 0x0000ca1b is char waiting in keyboard read 0x0000cab7 set video mode 0x0000cba6 "." 0x0000cc9a ATTIC 0x0000cca0 ATTIC 0x0000cca5 STREETA 0x0000ccab PATHA 0x0000ccb1 STREETA, STREETB, STREETC, ROOF, PATHA 0x0000ccb6 CEMA 0x0000ccbc CEMD 0x0000ccc2 CEMA, CEMB, CEMC, CEMD 0x0000ccc7 TOTOWN 0x0000cccd BARBER 0x0000ccd3 TOCEM 0x0000ccd9 TOTOWN, BARBER, TOCEM 0x0000ccde DELYARD 0x0000cce4 SIDE 0x0000ccea BALCONY 0x0000ccf0 DELYARD, SIDE, BALCONY 0x0000cd10 a bunch of spaces and a newline 0x0000cd3b "Sounds" and a newline 0x0000cd55 "Silent" and a newline 0x0000cd9d "Load" 0x0000cdb5 "Save" 0x0000cdd7 "Resume" 0x0000cdef "Quit" 0x0000ce25 "clady.pic" 0x0000ce37 "clady.pal" 0x0000ce4b "glady.pic" 0x0000ce5d "glady.pal" 0x0000ce9e "*.SAV" 0x0000cfef (just whitespace) 0x0000d071 "More" 0x0000d0b1 "Exit" 0x0000d0c6 "Exit" 0x0000d0d4 "More" 0x0000d12e "rb" 0x0000d150 "No saved game to load!" 0x0000d469 "No files" 0x0000d480 "Select game to load." 0x0000d6e1 ".SAV" 0x0000d712 "Now loading " 0x0000d84d " " 0x0000d89e ".SAV" 0x0000d8c6 "wb" 0x0000d904 "Error saving game." 0x0000dc97 "Now saving " 0x0000dcdd "Enter name to save game as" 0x0000dcf8 "rb" 0x0000dd2c "File exists. Replace? Y or N" 0x0000dd90 "Save cancelled." 0x0000de4c is a char ready to be read? 0x0000de5a read the char 0x0000dee1 "Quit game? Type Y or N." 0x0000df6d set video mode 0x0000df86 "Thank you for playing Dark Seed." 0x0000df9b "No, I don't want to quit yet." 0x0000e347 switch table (64 cases) at 0x717c 0x0000e3e7 "dth.nnn" 0x0000e56d "You pick up the package." 0x0000e596 "shard.pal" 0x0000e5af "handle.pal" 0x0000e699 "Y" 0x0000e6ae "B" 0x0000e6c3 "C" 0x0000e6e1 switch table (65 cases) at 0x7516 0x0000e7c0 "copcard" 0x0000e7e0 "The cops ignore your demands"... 0x0000fc27 "stairs" 0x0000fc5e "stairs" 0x0000fc94 "slide" 0x0000fcbe "rm10strs" 0x0000fce9 "rm11strs" 0x0000fd34 "E" 0x0000fd51 "mirror" 0x0000fd97 "darkout" 0x0000fdc2 "rtladder" 0x0000fded "ltladder" 0x0000fe2c "beamer" 0x00010220 [09] -rwx section size 39488 named seg_009 0x00010c1d "rb" 0x00010ca8 switch table (3 cases) at 0x1a 0x00011447 ".nsp" 0x000115d1 ".obt" 0x000115e8 "rb" 0x00011e91 "room00." 0x00011ed2 "room0." 0x00011f01 "room19." 0x00011f2c ".rom" 0x0001254b "Too many connectors in this room, max of %d" 0x00012621 for si = 0 ; si < 30; si++ 0x00012681 ".pal" 0x0001270f "room15" 0x00012753 "copcard.nsp" 0x00012965 "gframe.pic" 0x0001298a "gplayer.nsp" 0x0001299a "gbase.nsp" 0x000129db "cframe.pic" 0x00012a00 "cplayer.nsp" 0x00012a10 "cbase.nsp" 0x00012f29 switch table (4 cases) at 0x2d0e 0x00014482 "deldrink" 0x0001641c "You put on your headband" 0x00016712 living room 0x00016719 side of house 0x00017883 "bedsleep.nsp" 0x00017964 carint 0x0001796b stacka 0x00017972 stackb 0x00017979 stackc 0x000187e9 "opendoor.nsp" 0x00018844 "stairs.nsp" 0x0001888f "Theres nothing in this world you could do to open that door." 0x000188bf "Theres nothing in this world you could do to open that door." 0x00018ab6 "Nothing here." 0x000190fb set video mode 10h - 640x480 graphics with 16 colours 0x00019151 "tos1.nnn" 0x000191b4 "cbase.nsp" 0x000191bf "cplayer.nsp" 0x000191e5 "cframe.pic" 0x0001928a "1234.sav" 0x000192f1 "mirror.nsp" 0x00019544 "Switched to AdLib emulation mode." 0x000195ea "dth.nnn" 0x0001992b "Time always goes slowly when you're in jail." 0x00019c58 80x25 text mode with 16 greyscale text 0x00019c60 [10] -rwx section size 64 named seg_010 0x00019ca0 [11] -rwx section size 96 named seg_011 0x00019d00 [12] -rwx section size 784 named seg_012 0x00019d1b afn fcn.use_nested_struct_ptr_offset_c_for_static_crund_substructures 0x0001a010 [13] -rwx section size 336 named seg_013 0x0001a160 [14] -rwx section size 32 named seg_014 0x0001a180 [15] -rwx section size 720 named seg_015 0x0001a450 [16] -rwx section size 416 named seg_016 0x0001a462 jump if cf (which means error) 0x0001a571 bit 7 set means character device, clear means file 0x0001a5f0 [17] -rwx section size 80 named seg_017 0x0001a640 [18] -rwx section size 320 named seg_018 0x0001a780 [19] -rwx section size 592 named seg_019 0x0001a9d0 [20] -rwx section size 48 named seg_020 0x0001aa00 [21] -rwx section size 32 named seg_021 0x0001aa20 [22] -rwx section size 320 named seg_022 0x0001aa8a seek_whence = SEEK_CUR 0x0001aa90 offset = 0 0x0001ab60 [23] -rwx section size 208 named seg_023 0x0001ac30 [24] -rwx section size 48 named seg_024 0x0001ac60 [25] -rwx section size 32 named seg_025 0x0001ac80 [26] -rwx section size 64 named seg_026 0x0001acc0 [27] -rwx section size 48 named seg_027 0x0001acf0 [28] -rwx section size 208 named seg_028 0x0001adc0 [29] -rwx section size 32 named seg_029 0x0001ade0 [30] -rwx section size 352 named seg_030 0x0001ae07 num bytes 0x0001ae0a buffer halfptr 0x0001ae0d buffer halfptr 0x0001ae10 file handle 0x0001af40 [31] -rwx section size 80 named seg_031 0x0001af59 seek from end of file 0x0001af5f 0 bytes from end-of-file 0x0001af90 [32] -rwx section size 64 named seg_032 0x0001afd0 [33] -rwx section size 48 named seg_033 0x0001b000 [34] -rwx section size 240 named seg_034 0x0001b0f0 [35] -rwx section size 176 named seg_035 0x0001b118 "TMP" 0x0001b147 ".$$$" 0x0001b1a0 [36] -rwx section size 32 named seg_036 0x0001b1c0 [37] -rwx section size 64 named seg_037 0x0001b200 [38] -rwx section size 48 named seg_038 0x0001b230 [39] -rwx section size 32 named seg_039 0x0001b250 [40] -rwx section size 112 named seg_040 0x0001b26e ioctl get device info 0x0001b278 bit will be set for char device, clear for regular file 0x0001b27d seek n bytes from current location 0x0001b280 seek 0 bytes 0x0001b282 return current position in dxax 0x0001b288 save position for later 0x0001b28a move to end of file 0x0001b293 save position of file-end (ie length) 0x0001b299 set dxcx (seek position) to previously stored 0x0001b29d seek from file beginning 0x0001b2c0 [41] -rwx section size 224 named seg_041 0x0001b3a0 [42] -rwx section size 48 named seg_042 0x0001b3d0 [43] -rwx section size 704 named seg_043 0x0001b530 just one byte 0x0001b535 newline 0x0001b690 [44] -rwx section size 1360 named seg_044 0x0001b6ad al = [ds:bx + al] 0x0001b791 switch table (24 cases) at 0x106 0x0001ba16 "(null)" yes that string 0x0001bbe0 [45] -rwx section size 816 named seg_045 0x0001bf10 [46] -rwx section size 352 named seg_046 0x0001bf51 switch table (7 cases) at 0x46 0x0001bf64 write text in teletype mode 0x0001bf66 beep 0x0001bfd2 set cursor position 0x0001bfdb attribute or color 0x0001bfe2 write character (and attribute) at cursor 0x0001bfe6 characters to write 0x0001c070 [47] -rwx section size 96 named seg_047 0x0001c08a direct console input without echo 0x0001c0d0 [48] -rwx section size 16 named seg_048 0x0001c0e0 [49] -rwx section size 64 named seg_049 0x0001c120 [50] -rwx section size 48 named seg_050 0x0001c150 [51] -rwx section size 80 named seg_051 0x0001c19e set cursor position 0x0001c1a0 [52] -rwx section size 160 named seg_052 0x0001c240 [53] -rwx section size 160 named seg_053 0x0001c2e0 [54] -rwx section size 176 named seg_054 0x0001c390 [55] -rwx section size 16 named seg_055 0x0001c3a0 [56] -rwx section size 416 named seg_056 0x0001c540 [57] -rwx section size 464 named seg_057 0x0001c710 [58] -rwx section size 160 named seg_058 0x0001c7b0 [59] -rwx section size 64 named seg_059 0x0001c7f0 [60] -rwx section size 16 named seg_060 0x0001c800 [61] -rwx section size 80 named seg_061 0x0001c850 [62] -rwx section size 22520 named seg_062